Its busy times for WAM as the GEF trainees learn valuable skills in advanced carpentry and carving. Their first few weeks in February involved logging large Lukwej trees, and then milling them. This beautiful local wood was cut into slabs and some was seasoned in the salt water right outside WAM. The trainees of the GEF program started with making their own wood mallets in preparation for their training in carving. They also did carpentry work for the WAM office giving it a much needed upgrade.

Large Lukwej tree being milled by Oliber Mack and Matson John. Photo: Sealend Laiden

Stacked Lukwej slabs in WAM’s Canoe House. Photo: Sealend Laiden

Lukwej slabs being cured in saltwater with the assistance of trainees Dickson Randy, Matson John and Trainer Gregory Jokray. Photo: Sealand Laiden

Carpentry skills being used by Abija Lometo & Rusty Riklon. Photo: Sealend Laiden

Lukwej slabs curing. Photo: Sealend Laiden
In the days ahead they will being given small business start-up training enabling them to be self-employed upon graduation.